Tribal Services
Tribal Enrollment
Enrollment applications are available to direct lineal descendants of the Original Members whose names appear on the 1938-1939-1940 census roll of the Village of Klukwan. Lineal descendants may request to enroll provided they are not enrolled with another Tribe and they make their request in writing. To apply fill out the Enrollment Application and mail it along with your request to the Chilkat Indian Village.
Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Program
The Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 is a federal law that governs jurisdiction over the removal of Native American children from their families. This act does not apply to divorce or child custody cases between private parties. The programs main goal is to protect the best interests of Indian children who has been taken into protective custody by state agencies. The ICWA program is available to children enrolled or eligible for enrollment in our tribe. To contact the ICWA Case Worker please call Carrie Durr at 907-767-5505 ext. 228 or email
477 Program
The Employment and Training program offers a variety of services in support of training, education and case management for gainful employment opportunities to American Indians and Alaska Natives living in our service area. Applicants for employment related services may receive assistance with the following; GED, Scholarship awards, fees, books, supplies, work gear, Adult Vocational Training, Child Care, General Assistance and Job Placement and Training. To check if you are income eligible please contact Carrie Durr at 907-767-5505 ext. 228 or email To apply mail, fax or deliver the application in person to the Chilkat Indian Village.
Tlingit and Haida Energy Assistance Program
Low income energy assistance Program
Tribal Safety Home Improvement Program : The Tribal Safety Home Improvement Program (T-SHIP) was developed to identify individual home safety needs, collect community data, launch tribal home safety education efforts, and create programming to address home safety needs.
We are currently working to provide voluntary outdoor home inspections of fuel tanks, propane tanks, and chimneys. If you are interested in signing up, please fill out the form linked here: or contact Shawna Hotch at
Temporary Shelter
Emergency COVID payments
Housing Improvements and repairs
Work Force Development
Heating Repairs
Utility and loan assistance
Application assistance
therapy assistance
senior service meal delivery
Child care payments
Legal assistance
case by case management
homeless assistance
delinquent taxes
– special rules or income eligibility may apply –
– Contact Tribal services for general help or for more information
907-767-5505 ext 1 for Alice or Ext 3 for Carrie