TRIBAL BUSINESS ECONOMIC RELIEF – Now accepting Letter Of Interests. Open October 3, 2023; Close October 13, 2023. The Tribal Emergency Operations Center is now requesting letters of interest for businesses negatively impacted by the novel coronavirus in Klukwan and demonstrating financial need. A letter of interest is an introductory document expressing an individual or organization’s desire to receive funding. This is a preceding document needed prior to a full proposal or award, and is meant to help us, to gauge interest in the Tribal Business Economic Relief Program. A one-page letter of interest MUST be submitted in order to submit an application during the application period. The application period has yet to be determined.  Please contact us at, by phone at 907-767-5505 ext 230, or fax your letter to 907-767-5518. See Letter For Interested Parties. Three applications available:

 COVID-19 Health Mandate – read the FAQs HERE.


The Tribal Office, The Klukwan Mercantile, and the Klukwan Library are open,  masks are optional.

LIBRARY SERVICES available and masks are optional! Open Hours: Monday – Friday: 9am to 1pm / 3:30pm to 6pm