PHONE DIRECTORY – Information document HERE.
HOLIDAYS : the Tribal Office and the Klukwan Library will be closed on Friday, 2/14, and closed on monday 2/17.
Klukwan Supplemental Household Relief – A T&H Community Directed ARPA Program. Launch date: 4/22/2024; Completion: Upon payment of 52 applications; Applications:; Phone: 907-463-7794; Fax: 907-375-2918; Email: Applicants must have Klukwan as their current voting community. Klukwan resident and non-resident citizens – $3,129.15 per household. One applicant per physical address.
Check out our Community Calendar below!
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Community Goals
Three major goals for the community:
- to perpetuate traditional knowledge
- to improve community self-sufficiency
- to move toward total wellness.
Language and Culture
Members of the village practice cultural protocols that have been unique to the Tlingits for thousands of years. The matrilineal clan system relies on a moiety structure with clearly defined responsibilities to each Eagle (Kaagwaantaan) or Raven (Ganaaxteidi) clan. Songs, stories, dances, and language are taught to the youth. Reliance on elders reinforces the ceremonial traditions, often relayed in the heritage language, resulting in a rich culture that is uniformly practiced and respected. The longevity of the culture and its people is founded in the preservation of the Tlingit language, a primary goal of our tribe. Opportunities to explore traditional and cultural arts have been highly successful, as evidenced by continuing independent practice. The community has taken some bold steps in the last fifteen years to preserve and revive many of the cultural arts and practices of our ancestors. It is now possible to take a Jilkaat Kwaan Cultural Tour and soon visitors will be able to see the new Cultural Center, Hospitality House and the Bentwood Box Gift Shop.
In addition to the Klukwan School and community library, Klukwan hosts many courses around traditional knowledge, languages, and traditional arts.
Nestled along the banks of the Chilkat River rests an ancient Tlingit village called Klukwan. The name Klukwan is taken from the Tlingit phrase “Tlakw Aan” which literally means “Eternal Village,” or “The Village That Has Always Been.” Local oral history tells us that Klukwan was originally settled many years ago by a group of Gaanaxteidi (Raven Clan) men and their Kaagwaantaan (Eagle Clan) wives. The village site was chosen because of the rich natural environment found here, and it is located in remote northern southeast Alaska just 18 miles south of the Canadian border. Klukwan enjoys a multi-layered cultural history that is preserved through the Tlingit language, rituals, stories, oral histories, and subsistence activities practiced by the Chilkat Tlingits, a federally recognized tribe known as the Chilkat Indian Village (CIV).
Latest News
Chilkat Indian Village Continues Quest to Protect the Chilkat Valley Watershed
Letter to Dept. of Natural Resources from Tlingit and Haida
Chilkat Indian Village (Klukwan) and Local Residents call for Review of Expanded Mining Activity in the Chilkat River Watershed
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 31, 2023 Contact Morrigan Shaw, 907-796-9030, Tribe calls for transparent state agency review of foreign-owned mining company’s permit expansion KLUKWAN, Alaska (Tlákw Aan) — Chilkat Indian Village (Klukwan), along...
Chilkat Facts
eagle preserve
The Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve is home to the world's largest concentration of bald eagles. 200 to 400 birds live there year-round, with up to 4,000 observed during the annual Fall Congregation.
HOURS – Klukwan Mercantile, LLC. Store
OPEN: Mondays / Wednesdays / Fridays / Saturdays 12noon to 5pm
ALASKA STATE TROOPERS – The Alaska State Troopers would like you to know that you can reach the 24 hour dispatch by calling 907-465-4000.
ALASKA NATIVE VETERANS ALLOTMENT ACT – FAQ, and timeline. For updated information on this, please contact the Realty Specialist at the Tribal Office, extension 229, or You can also visit the Bureau of Land Management website HERE.
Housing Improvement Program – grant program to help eligible Indians & Alaska Natives repair/renovate existing housing, and in some special cases, build New Homes. Please read the flyer for further instructions. You can find the application at the CIV office, or on the website under Tribal Services.